viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Aspaldiko partez, gaur  nire solasaldiaren zatitxo eta argazki batzuk partekatu nahi ditut zuekin.

Espero gustokoak izatea eta berriz ere, mila esker bihotzez zuen laguntza eta harreragaitik.

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018

martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017

Our students of primary 3/4 are studying the topic of living and non-living things.
They are so cute!!!!


Good day every body,
this year we are also prepared to start a new school year in English. On the 31st of October we celebrated The Halloween day; in this day the whole school takes part in this fascinating party.

Our 6th grade students made a big effort preparing this day, and teaching us where this party startde and why.

Here you have a brief summary of that day, I hope you enjoy it,

great Job!!

Have fun and learn!!!!